Exploring the Impact of Multithreading on System Resource Utilization and Efficiency


  • Preet Bhutani School of Engineering & Technology, MVN University, Palwal, India
  • Amol Ashokrao Shinde Lead Software Engineer, Mastech Digital Technologies Inc, Pittsburgh PA, United States


Multithreading, System Resource Utilization, Efficiency, CPU Utilization, Memory Management


The goal of this research is to find out the effects of multithreading on the consumption of system resources and efficiency by examining CPU utilization, memory use, Input/Output operation, and power consumption in the multithreaded systems. In order to measure static, adaptive, and dynamic multithreading performance under different workloads, the study compares the three models both through theory and by applying it to various experiments. That is why the results show that, when multithreading is implemented, the general CPU load and I/O performance improve, especially for computational and data-consuming operations. However, some problems include memory contention, context-switching overhead and, higher energy consumption are noted especially when threading is over-provisioned for. Real-time threading control strategies were the most effective as they periodically reconfigured the number of threads in a way that optimizes performance while optimizing resources. In addition, while the asynchronous I/O models provided the best performance improvements, energy use went up when multithreading was incorporated, thus the need for implementing trade-offs between performance and power usage. It offers significant findings related to the tuning of multithreading strategies so as to maximize system performance but with an acceptable level of resource utilization, should be of significance for practitioners, who are working with multicore processors and dealing with high-performing systems.






